What slab replacement projects are happening this year?
In response to resident input, the City’s elected officials have once again focused their attention on the annual street maintenance […]
If I have an emergency, will the City plow my area first so an ambulance can get through?
Call 9-1-1 in an emergency; the dispatcher will contact the Street Division should an emergency vehicle need assistance to arrive […]
Is the City responsible for damage to my basketball goal, my mailbox or my decorative landscaping?
If your mailbox or landscaping is damaged by a snowplow, please notify the City by calling (636) 327-5101 for repairs. […]
How can I keep my driveway from being snowed-in by plowing?
Clearing City streets of snow requires pushing (plowing) snow from the center of the street to the edges. As a […]
I park on the street and my car gets buried by snow plows. What can I do?
If no off-street parking is available, it is strongly recommended that you and your neighbors park along one side of […]
Will the City clean my sidewalk or parking lot?
Residents and business owners are required to keep their own driveways, sidewalks and private streets clear of ice and snow.
How many miles of streets does the City of Wentzville maintain?
The City has grown tremendously over the past 20 years. As of 2021, approximately 375 lane miles of streets are […]
What can residents do to lessen the chances their property might be damaged?
Residents should make sure there are full depth expansion joints in place in several locations within their driveway. Some expansion […]
Is the City responsible for the resulting damage that may occur due to street or driveway movement?
Based on current case law (A.K. and Virginia Zumwalt vs. Boone County, MO), municipalities and governing bodies are not responsible […]
Is expansion joint replacement a permanent solution?
Not always. Streets and driveways will continue to move slightly. There have been occasions where the City has provided second […]