Citizen Satisfaction Survey — 2023

As part of Wentzville’s ongoing effort to involve residents in its long-range planning process, the City retained ETC Institute of Olathe, Kansas, to administer a Community Satisfaction Survey and gather input from residents about the quality of City services. This is the third survey ETC Institute has administered for the City, with the first two being in 2010 and 2016.

During January and February 2023, the survey was administered, and the information gathered will be used to help the City improve existing programs and services and make informed decisions regarding future community priorities. A six-page survey was mailed to a random sample of households chosen by ETC. The goal was to obtain at least 400 completed surveys – this was surpassed with 437 surveys returned. The survey results have a 95% level of confidence with a precision of at least +/-4.7%. Overall, the City’s 2023 Citizen Satisfaction Survey Executive Report is very positive.

Eighty-five percent (85%) of the residents surveyed rated the overall quality of services provided by the City as “excellent” or “good.” This is significantly higher than the regional average of 53% and the national average of 51%. The major categories of City services that had the highest levels of satisfaction were: the overall quality of police services, the maintenance of City buildings and facilities and the quality of customer service received from City employees. The areas that residents would like the City to focus on for the future were: flow of traffic and congestion, maintenance of City streets and enforcement of city codes and ordinances.

Of the residents surveyed, 84% also rated the overall quality of life in Wentzville as “excellent” or “good,” which is also higher than the regional average of 68% and the national average of 66%. In addition, residents rate safety in Wentzville very highly. Overall 95% of residents feel “very safe” or “safe” walking alone in their neighborhoods during the day, and 88% feel safe walking alone in business areas during the day or in their neighborhoods in general.

When asked about the most important reasons they chose to live in Wentzville, residents indicated these top-three choices: safety and security, quality of housing, quality of public schools and the cost of housing.

We invite residents to review the results of this survey by clicking the links on the left of this page. An overall summary presentation is also included. Future surveys will be conducted to ensure the City can continue to evaluate and plan for the future accordingly. If you have questions or comments, please call City Hall at (636) 327-5101.