WIND Program
WIND — Wentzville Information Notification Delivery
What is the WIND program?
The WIND program allows residents to sign up to receive City emergency notifications and City announcements in multiple of ways. Residents can get calls on their landlines and cell phones, as well as text messages and emails to whatever device they desire.
Who can enroll?
Anyone who wants to receive these alerts and announcements can enroll.
How do I enroll?
Click the sign up button above to sign up.
When will it be used?
The system will be used to notify residents about imminent threats to health and safety. Public safety officials will send alerts about emergencies, for example: severe weather, water outages, traffic issues and critical police activity. If you sign up for City announcements, you will receive information on the topics you designate.
What type of announcements can I sign up for?
City announcements may consist of reminders of City events and activities along with public announcements such as: community events, street closures (construction), road closures/detours (traffic accidents, community events), water outages (main breaks, testing), crime alerts, City meetings, parks and recreation events.
Will I still get notification if I don’t sign up?
If you don’t sign up, you will only receive emergency notifications on your traditional home phone but nowhere else. If you have an unlisted phone number you will not receive notice without enrolling.
Can I opt out?
Yes. You may email Cheryl Witte at with your name, Wentzville address and your phone number.
What if my phone number or address changes?
The system is only as good as the information you provide. If your cell phone, work phone or email address changes, you must go to your profile and update the information. The one exception is traditional landlines. If a traditional landline changes to another landline number, that information will be automatically updated.
What notification options are available?
Alerts and announcements can be sent to your cell phone, work phone, home phone, by phone call, text message and email. You can elect to receive alerts/announcements just one way or a combination of different ways. You choose!
Do I have to get both emergency notifications and City announcements?
No. You can select only emergency alerts and/or select from a menu of announcement topics.
Will my contact information be shared with others?
No. The information that you provide will be used for emergency and City announcements. We will not distribute your telephone numbers or email addresses to any vendor or other organization.
Is there a fee to participate?
No. This program is free.
How can I get more information?
For questions about the WIND Program, please contact Dispatch Supervisor Cheryl Witte at or (636) 639-2148.