Tax Information

Sales Tax

Current sales tax rate in the City of Wentzville is 8.450% of which 2.5% is a City tax.

City Parks: 0.50%

City General: 1.00%

City Capital: 0.50%

City Transportation: 0.50%

County General: 0.50%

County Transportation: 0.50%

County Operating: 0.25%

County Capital: 0.25%

Children & Family Services: 0.125%

Metro Park: 0.10%

State: 4.225%

Total: 8.450%

Additional Sales Tax
There may be additional sales tax in certain areas. Taxing districts are listed below.  

Bear Creek CID: .50%

 THF TDDI: .25%

 THF TDDII: .50%

 THF TDD III: .25%

 Wentzville Parkway TDD: .50%

 Wentzville Bluffs CID: 1.00%

 West Pearce Blvd CID: .50%

The additional sales tax within a TDD (Transportation Development District) is used to help fund projects that affect transportation within that defined District.  The addistional sales tax within a CID (Community Improvement District) is used to fund public improvements within the defined CID area.

Property Tax

Missouri law sets the assessment ratio for personal property at one-third of true value throughout the state. Real properties (land and buildings) classified as commercial and industrial, are assessed at 32%; residential 19%; and agricultural 12% or true or fair market value. The local property tax rate is an aggregate of school, city, county and state levies expressed in tax per $100 assessed valuation. Commercial and industrial real property is assessed an additional county surcharge designed to replace revenues lost by the tax exemption of business inventories. 

Assessed values are established by the County Assessor’s Office.  For further question regarding assessments please contact the St Charles County Assessor’s Office.  Questions on taxes not related to the City portion or Neighborhood Improvement Districts (NID’s) contact the St. Charles County Collector’s Office.  Questions on the City portion and NID’s call the City Finance Office at (636) 327-5101. 

Link to County Assessor

Link to County Collector 

The following is a breakdown of the 2023 tax rate for the City of Wentzville and St. Charles County:  

County State: $0.0300
County $0.0000
Road/Bridge $0.1743
School $4.6532
College $0.1676
Library $0.1728
Fire $0.6698
Ambulance $0.3273
Dev. Disability $0.1108
Dispatch & Alarm $0.0335
Subtotal $6.3393 / $100.00 Assessed Valuation

City: General $0.5261
Park $0.0515
$0.5776 / $100.00 Assessed Valuation
Total $6.9169 / $100.00 Assessed Valuation

 *Surtax – Real Estate On Commercial Property – $.53 Per $100.00

              Residential: 19% OF APPRAISED VALUE
              Commercial: 32% OF APPRAISED VALUE
              Agricultural: 12% OF APPRAISED VALUE
              Personal Property: 33 1/3% OF TRUE VALUE