Community Programs
To learn more about the Community Programs the Police Department offers, please use the drop down arrows below.
Community Emergency Response Team
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
The 2024 training class has been postponed! Please check back for information on future class availability.
This training is free and open to anyone 18 years of age and older. Training will be held at the Wentzville Police Department, located at 1019 Schroeder Creek Blvd. Click on this link
to print the application and complete and email back in to Officer Toney at the email listed below. Once enough applications are received, we will reach out with our next training schedule dates!
The course is generally held once a year and requires about 20 hours to complete.
Wentzville CERT is part of a national program that equips ordinary citizens to be able to fill the gap between when a disaster strikes and the arrival of first responders.
CERT training provides basic survival and rescue skills that help you prepare for, respond to, and recover from an emergency or disaster.
As a member of CERT, you can participate in drills and exercises, take additional training, and volunteer at community events. As part of an activated team, you will be ready to deliver immediate assistance to victims, mobilize local resources, organize emergency communications and support first responders.
Training Topics
- Disaster Preparedness
- Fire Safety
- Light Search and Rescue
- Disaster Medical Operations
- Communications
For more information in reference to the CERT program, contact CERT Program Director Officer Michael Toney at (636) 639-2104 or email
Cops and Bobbers
Check back later this year and we will have a link for you to register to participate.
Every year, the Wentzville Parks Department and Wentzville Police Department partner together for an event called Cops and Bobbers. Officers and Parks employees work together with the children of the community in order to bond over fishing. They will help the child bait and cast the fishing pole, catch and release. This is a great opportunity for children to become familiar with officers and this event will also help the child learn patience and humility.
Hanging with Heroes
Join us Aug. 14 from 4-6 p.m. to spend time with the Wentzville Police and Parks and Recreation departments. Sign up today to guarantee you will receive a Wentzville Police Department football during Hanging with Heroes. Footballs will be handed out to the first 200 people who sign up!
Keep Kids Alive, Drive 25 Program
The mission of the Keep Kids Alive, Drive 25 Program is to change the way people drive on neighborhood streets and beyond. The goal is to put an end to deaths and injuries caused by speeding and distracted driving on the nation’s roads. The City supports this program by educating and actively engaging our residents in a common commitment to create safer streets for the benefit of all, beginning in Wentzville’s neighborhoods.
To learn more about the program view this program’s website at You may also contact the Business/Residential Liaison Officer Ben Childers at (636) 639-2171 or by email at
National Night Out
This year, National Night Out will be celebrated on Tuesday, Aug. 6. On that night, residents are invited to turn on their porch lights, go outside and join with their neighbors in block parties, cookouts, flashlight walks and other activities to send the message to criminals that residents are organized and fighting back against crime.
National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness and generate support for local anti-crime programs, such as Neighborhood Watch. National Night Out celebrations also help strengthen neighborhood spirit, because alert and caring neighbors are one of your best defenses against crime.
In Wentzville, National Night Out is celebrated from 6-9 p.m. During that time, city officials, along with representatives from the police and fire departments will circulate through the city and visit neighborhood National Night Out celebrations. Residents who cannot participate in organized activities are still encouraged to turn on exterior lights and spend some time outside that evening.
Neighborhood groups that would like a visit from city officials or more information and suggestions about how to plan their own National Night Out activities must call Officer Ben Childers at (636) 639-2171 or email him at to schedule your subdivision party. In addition to scheduling your party with the Officer Childers, you may also visit the National Night Out website and register your subdivision at
Neighborhood Watch
Neighborhood Watch also known as Block Watch, Town Watch or Crime Watch, is a vital part of the City of Wentzville’s policing efforts. This program enlists the active participation of citizens to reduce crime in neighborhoods. These organized groups act as the “eyes and ears” of the police when they are not present.
The Wentzville Police Department can provide the following instruction for Neighborhood Watch meetings:
- Identifying suspicious activity
- Home security
- Personal safety
- Internet safety
Neighborhood Watch groups will be supplied a Neighborhood Watch sign to be posted on the first speed limit sign entering their subdivision.
Citizens interested in receiving more information about the Neighborhood Watch program can contact our Business/Residential Liaison Officer Ben Childers at (636) 639-2171 or by email at
Prescription/Non-prescription Drug Drop Box
The Wentzville Police Department’s drug collection and disposal program is a means to provide a safe location for citizens to properly dispose of unused prescription/non-prescription medications. This program provides an environmentally safe alternative to disposing of both prescription and non-prescription medications in landfills and sewer systems that may negatively affect the environment. This program encourages citizens to remove their unwanted/un-needed, and/or expired medications from their homes. This program will also reduce access to addictive medications for accidental or intentional misuse by children within the household.
The Wentzville Police Department has provided a secured, steel mailbox/collection box in the lobby of the police department, where citizens will be able to deposit their medications anonymously any time of the day or night, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Once collected, the drugs will be properly disposed of by incineration.
Citizens are encouraged to “black out” their personal information on the prescription bottles, but not the contents of the bottle itself.
Acceptable items include:
- Expired or unwanted prescription medications
- Expired or unwanted over the counter medications
- Vitamins and nutritional supplements
- Medications for household pets
- Homeopathic remedies
- EpiPens
- Medicated lotions
- Sealed liquids
Unacceptable items include:
- Unsealed liquids
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Empty medicine bottles
- Medical waste (iv bags, bloody/infected waste)
- Needles or other “sharps”
- Hazardous waste
- Thermometers
- Personal care products (shampoos, soaps, makeup, etc.)
- Trash
- Lost/found materials
- Business/professional waste
Being an anonymous program, no investigations will be conducted relative to any prescription being dropped off. If you have questions regarding drug abuse, drug or other suspicious activity, contact the Wentzville Police Department at (636) 327-5105 or contact the St. Charles County Drug Task Force by phone at 1-800-559-DOPE (3693).
Police Appearance Request
The Wentzville Police Department’s Special Services Department can arrange for a uniformed police officer to visit your neighborhood get-together, meeting, or school function. In some cases, an officer may be accompanied by McGruff or certain pieces of the police department’s specialized equipment can be demonstrated. Our officers participate in special events such as child fingerprinting in conjunction with community events. To arrange for a police officer to speak with your group, contact our PIO/Community Outreach Sergeant, Jacob Schmidt, at (636) 639-2107 or by email at
Police Explorer Program
The Wentzville Police Department Explorers Program offers a valuable volunteer service opportunity for young adults interested in law enforcement. This program serves as a gateway for individuals to explore and consider a career in this field. Through active participation, Explorers acquire essential skills necessary for success as future police officers. They engage in various activities such as serving as court bailiffs, acquiring proficiency in police radio procedures, familiarizing themselves with police policies and principles of patrol, and even taking part in ride-along programs alongside uniformed officers.
If you are between the ages of 14 and 21 and can commit to monthly classes/meetings, follow the link
to complete an application. For any questions, please contact Officer Jason Horvath at (636) 639-2196 x3348 or by email at
Safety Tips: How to Avoid Scams
Special Olympics Torch Run
The Annual Special Olympics Torch Run is held on the fourth Wednesday of May. The run begins in St. Louis County and crosses over into St. Charles County, with a ceremony at the Ameristar Casino. The main goal of the Torch Run is to partner law enforcement with the Special Olympics and their athletes. At this run, officers and athletes carry the “Flame of Hope” to the opening ceremonies of local Special Olympic competitions. Our main event is the State Summer Games each year.
To help support the event, law enforcement agencies are selling T-shirts to raise money for the athletes. Short sleeve shirts are $15 each. This money, as well as other fundraisers held locally and statewide help over 15,000 athletes in Missouri to compete in athletic competitions at no cost to them or their family.
For further information or to order a T-shirt, leave a message on Corporal Mary Wheeler’s voicemail at (636) 639-2196 x3365 or by email at
Summer Camp
Our registration link for the 2025 Summer Camp will go “live” in May of 2025. Check back with us then to sign-up!
Summer Camp is a program is FREE of charge and runs Monday-Thursday in July from 8 a.m. to noon. The camp is held at Wentzville Christian Church, located at 1507 Highway Z.
The four-day camp will be led by the Community Outreach Officer and School Resource Officer Unit in hopes of reinforcing positive relationships between the police department and youth in our community. Campers will be exposed to various areas of law enforcement such as the Department Organization, Vehicle & Equipment Demonstrations, Drone Demo, Detective Bureau, Crime Scene Investigation, K-9 Demo, S.W.A.T., Metro Air Support and Bomb Disposal Unit and many other fun activities.
We will provide one water bottle for the week, one pair of sunglasses and a daily snack. We ask that you send your camper with athletic shoes, NO flip-flops and applied sunscreen every day, we would appreciate it.
Your camper is eligible to attend if they will be entering the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade, you reside in the city limits of Wentzville, and they have never attended before.
Use the link below (after 8 a.m. on June 1) to register for this year’s Cop Camp.
Please don’t forget to complete the release form. Registration is limited to 60 campers so sign-up soon! If you have any questions please contact Sergeant Jacob Schmidt at (636) 639-2107. To register, please visit
Test Your Teen Drug Program
The Wentzville Police Department is introducing the “Test Your Teen” program. This is a confidential initiative to hep parents take a proactive role in preventing teen drug use. This program provides a one-step urine analysis test in an easy dipstick card format with built in controls to validate results. In just 3 to 8 minutes, parents can get clear and reliable answers.
One test kit is available per household–no questions asked–at 1019 Schroeder Creek Blvd. Our goal is to support families in keeping teens safe and drug-free.
To obtain your free test kit, contact Sgt. Jacob Schmidt at 636-639-2107.
Tip Hotline
Child Abuse Hotline If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected by a parent, grandparent or another adult, contact the Division of Family Services Hotline at (800) 392-3738 or for further information click on the above link.
BHR If you are feeling depressed, in a mental health crisis, or need someone to talk to, contact Compass Health Crisis Hotline at (888) 237-4567
Crime Tip Hotline For information on reporting suspect information or leads to help solve a crime, click on the Crime Tip Hotline link.
Drug Task Force Hotline To report possible drug activity in your neighborhood, contact the St. Charles County Regional Drug Taskforce at: (800) 559-DOPE (3673).
Elder Abuse Hotline If you suspect elder abuse, contact the Elder Abuse Hotline at (800) 392-0210.
Internet Crime Complaint Center For information on Internet Crime complaints, click the above link for further information.
For information on the proper use of 9-1-1, click on the above link.