Water Reclamation Center

The Water Reclamation Center treats an average of four million gallons of wastewater per day and discharges into McCoy Creek. The Reclamation Center is also responsible for maintaining the City’s 42 public lift stations.
Treatment Process
Screening and Grit Removal
At the headworks building of the Water Reclamation Center, the incoming wastewater flows through screens designed to capture large objects such as sticks, rags, plastics, and other debris. This initial screening prevents damage and blockages in the subsequent treatment processes. After screening, the wastewater passes through a grit chamber, where smaller particles like sand and gravel are allowed to settle out. These gritty materials, often heavy and abrasive, are then removed from the bottom of the chamber. This step is crucial for protecting pumps, pipes, and other equipment from excessive wear and tear, ensuring that the system operates efficiently as the water moves to the next stage of treatment.
Aeration is a critical process where large amounts of air are pumped into the wastewater. This infusion of oxygen supports the growth of aerobic bacteria, which are naturally occurring microorganisms that consume organic pollutants, breaking them down into simpler, less harmful substances like carbon dioxide, water, and biomass. The aeration process takes place in one of our four aeration basins, where the wastewater is thoroughly mixed with air using diffusers and mechanical mixers. This step significantly reduces the biological oxygen demand (BOD) and the concentration of organic matter in the water, making it much cleaner as it continues through the treatment process.

Clarification and Solids Separation
After aeration, the partially treated water flows into large settling tanks known as clarifiers. The Water Reclamation Center currently operates four clarifiers. In these tanks, the heavier solid particles, now referred to as sludge, settle to the bottom due to gravity. The sludge is then scraped, collected, and pumped from the bottom of the tank for further treatment. Meanwhile, the clarified water at the top is skimmed to remove any remaining floating particles such as fats, oils, grease, or small pieces of trash. The water then gently flows over weirsโa series of small barriers designed to evenly distribute the water as it exits the tank. This clarified water, now significantly cleaner, is directed towards the UV disinfection stage for final purification. The clarification process plays a vital role in separating solid waste from the liquid, ensuring that only the lightest and smallest contaminants remain in the water.
Digestion is a process similar to aeration, but it occurs under conditions with significantly lower oxygen levels. In this stage, the sludge from the clarification process is transferred to one of four large tanks where it undergoes further biological treatment. Here, the oxygen supply is carefully controlled to create an environment where specialized microorganisms can thrive. These microorganisms continue to break down the organic material in the sludge, but at a slower rate due to the lower oxygen levels. This process further reduces the volume and harmfulness of the sludge, stabilizing it and minimizing odors. The digested sludge is then transferred to holding tanks where it will be pumped to the press building for dewatering or land applied.
De-watering is the process of further reducing the water content of the stabilized sludge, transforming it from a liquid or slurry into a more solid, cake-like material. At the Water Reclamation Center this is achieved using a screw press. A small amount of thickening agent is added to the sludge as it enters the screw press, the water is then pressed out and returned to headworks. The resulting de-watered sludge is much easier to handle, transport, and dispose of, as its volume is significantly reduced. The de-watered sludge contains valuable nutrients that are repurposed via land application.

Land Application
After thorough testing biosolids can be safely applied to agricultural land as a nutrient-rich fertilizer. The application of biosolids to land recycles valuable organic material back into the environment, enriching the soil with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic matter, which support healthy crop growth. This sustainable practice not only reduces the need for chemical fertilizers but also improves soil structure and fertility, promoting long-term agricultural productivity. Our process is carefully managed to ensure that the biosolids are applied in a way that protects public health and the environment.

UV Disinfection
The final stage at the Water Reclamation Center is UV disinfection. In this stage, the clarified water flows through a chamber where it is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. The UV light penetrates the cell walls of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, disrupting their DNA and rendering them unable to reproduce or cause harm. Unlike chemical disinfectants, UV treatment does not leave any residual chemicals in the water, making it a safe and effective method for ensuring the treated water is free of pathogens. Once disinfected, the water is safe to be released into McCoy Creek, where it can re-enter the natural water cycle without posing a risk to public health or the environment. Check out the Stormwater Management Division to learn more about McCoy Creek and its success story!

Virtual Tour
For more information, watch our recorded facility tour below. In-person tours of the Water Reclamation Center are available on a limited basis and can be scheduled by calling (636) 639-2098.
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
The City of Wentzville does not manufacture perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) but the community’s Water Reclamation Center receives these chemicals when processing the City’s waste streams.
About PFAS
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS are a family of man-made chemicals that are designed to be resistant to heat, water, and oil. These chemicals have been used to make cookware, carpets, clothing, cosmetics, fabrics for furniture, paper packaging for food, and other materials that are resistant to water, grease, or stains. These chemicals have also been used in firefighting foams and in several industrial processes. Because these chemicals are designed to be extremely durable, they are slow to break down and persist in the environment and the human body. PFAS chemicals continue to be used in a wide range of consumer products that are commonplace in all households. PFAS can also accumulate within the human body and be shed through waste. The refuse from a community, whether in the form of trash or human waste, is typically transported from homes and businesses to City owned disposal sites such as the Water Reclamation Center.
What is the Concern Regarding PFAS?
Research and case histories indicate that significant or persistent exposure to certain PFAS chemicals may cause or contribute to adverse health outcomes. However, research is still ongoing to determine how different levels of exposure to different PFAS can lead to a variety of health effects. Research is also underway to better understand the health effects associated with low levels of exposure to PFAS over long periods of time, especially in children. Surveys conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that most people in the United States have been exposed to PFAS. Most known exposures are relatively low, but some can be high, particularly when people are exposed to a concentrated source over long periods of time.
Learn more about human health effects research from the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
National Response
In 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a Strategic Roadmap, which outlines initiatives and expected timelines for the agency to take specific actions to address PFAS concerns. Broadly, the Strategic Roadmap outlines objectives organized in a three-tier approach of Research, Restrict, and Remediate. Since the Roadmap’s release, the EPA has initiated several actions including the release of interim and final health advisories on certain PFAS chemicals and launching efforts to significantly broaden the testing of drinking water sources and wastewater for the presence of PFAS. On April 10, 2024, EPA released the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) which set limits or PFOA and PFOS, along with four additional PFAS. The regulation set a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 4 parts per trillion (ppt) for PFOA and 4 ppt for PFOS, the lowest detectible level which can be reliably measured. In addition, an MCL of 10 ppt was established for three additional PFAS (PFBS, PFNA, and PFHxS). A Hazard Index of 1 was also established for a mixture containing tow or more of four different PFAS (PFBS, PFNA, PFHxS, and HFPO-DA). The Hazard Index is a tool used to evaluate potential health risks from exposure to chemical mixtures.
The Wastewater Division’s Local Response
In late 2022, the Wastewater Division initiated PFAS testing in response to proposed regulations and emerging health concerns. Following the release of the EPAโs Draft Method 1633, we conducted a series of comprehensive tests across our system to evaluate background levels and identify potential sources of these pollutants. Moving forward, the Wastewater Division will engage in ongoing discussions with state and federal regulators to ensure the protection of our water quality and public health. Additionally, the Division plans to leverage its Industrial Pretreatment Program to identify and mitigate any industrial contributions of PFAS to the Water Reclamation Center.