Right-of-Way Permitting

Per Chapter 525 of the Municipal Code, a Right-of-Way Permit is required whenever facilities work or excavation is to be performed within the public rights of way. If applicable, the entity seeking the permit will need to submit a permit application for the proposed work, a description of the proposed work, any plans technical drawings, and a schedule. If the proposed work requires traffic control, a traffic control plan shall be included in the application. All resources for completing a right-of-way permit application, including the permit application and right-of-way ordinance, have been made available below.

Applications may be submitted to: Row.Permit@wentzvillemo.gov.

Additional permitting may be required for situations in which excavation is to occur within 10 feet of critical water and wastewater infrastructure. The areas of critical infrastructure have been identified as Restricted Dig/Drill/Bore (RDDB) Zones and require additional permit terms and conditions.

Underground Pneumatic Boring is prohibited except when applied for and where the work complies with the following:

  • No pneumatic boring within 20 feet of an RDDB Zone
  • No pneumatic boring under the street pavement
  • Pneumatic boring perpendicular to water or force main will be permitted, provided:
  • No pneumatic boring crossing any water or force main
  • Water or force main is positively identified.
  • Pneumatic boring shall be directed away from the main
  • Pneumatic boring must be kept at lengths of 25 feet or less per instance.
  • Pneumatic boring paralleling water or force main must be offset by a minimum of seven feet.
A man uses a machine to bore into the asphalt

The use of underground pneumatic boring requires additional permit terms and conditions

  • Right-of-Way Permit Application Fee: $100
  • Right-of-Way Permit Fee: $0.50 per linear foot of excavation
  • Restricted Dig/Drill/Bore (RDDB) Permit Fee: $250 per RDDB pipe crossing plus 
  • $10 per linear foot parallel excavation to RDDB pipe
  • Pneumatic Boring permit Fee: $100 per bore instance
