Our Divisions

The Wentzville Police Department consists of two divisions. Field Operations and Support Services. Each division consists of multiple units. All the units combined help keep the department organized and functioning to our fullest extent.

Field Operations Division

Field Operations is commanded by Captain Emmanuel Borroum. Captain Borroum oversees the daily operations of the Patrol officers, Communications division and the Jail.

He can be contacted at (636) 639-2140 or at Emmanuel.Borroum@wentzvillemo.gov.


The patrol unit consists of four platoons. Each platoon consist of one Lieutenant, one Sergeant, a Corporal and eight patrol officers. These platoons provide 24/7 services to the residents of Wentzville. They patrol the streets to ensure the safety of our residents, businesses and anyone visiting our city. 

Platoon 1 and 4:  Lt. Kyle Bruns can be reached at (636) 639-2123 or Kyle.Bruns@wentzvillemo.gov.

Platoon 2 and 3:  Lt. Jennifer Bell can be reached at (636) 639-2143 or Jennifer.Bell@wentzvillemo.gov.

K9 Unit

The K9 unit consists of two Canine officers:

  1. Officer Dan Talbott and his canine, Rexo
  2. Officer Stephen Reinagel and his canine, Titus
  3. Officer Adrian Alvarez and his canine, Guapo, and
  4. Officer Michael Greer and his canine, Niko.

This unit assists Field Operations with drug, vehicle and building searches.

If you need to speak with someone in reference to the Canine, you may contact Sergeant Jason Davis at Jason.Davis@wentzvillemo.gov or you may call him at (636) 639-2103.

Corrections – Jail/Booking

The function of the corrections unit is to book and process prisoners. Corrections officers are responsible for the safety and welfare of the prisoner(s) while in custody.

They can be reached by dialing (636) 639-2108.

Support Services Division

The Support Services Division is commanded by Captain Kevin Pyatt.

Captain Pyatt oversees the:

  • Animal Control/Park Rangers,
  • Detective Bureau,
  • School Resource Officers, and
  • Traffic Division.

Cpt. Pyatt can be reached at (636) 639-2102 or by email at Kevin.Pyatt@wentzvillemo.gov.

Internal Affairs/Professional Standards

Lt. David Schoolcraft is in charge of the Internal Affairs division.

If you have a complaint against an officer or other police employee, you can contact him at (636) 639-2133  or by email at David.Schoolcraft@wentzvillemo.gov.

This division is also charged with

  • the hiring process for the police department
  • training for the department.
  • The Business/Residential Liaison Officer,
  • Public Information Officer,
  • and the Accreditation program falls under this division as well.

Public Information Officer

Sergeant Jacob Schmidt is the Public Information Officer.

He is also in charge of posting on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

He can be reached at (636) 639-2107 or Jacob.Schmidt@wentzvillemo.gov.


Communications hours of operation are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The function of the Communications Division is to answer calls for emergency services, criminal activity, civil complaints, suspicious activity and dispatch officers to investigate. The Dispatcher then enters the information into the CAD system. Dispatch also enters warrants and stolen property into the the State system, as well as answers emergency 911 calls.


Records hours of operation: Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.


The function of the Records Division is to maintain police reports and make them available to the public, prosecutors, and other agencies as needed. Records also enter traffic summonses, auto accidents, racial profiling and arrests information into the records management system.

The Custodian of Records is Michelle Witt:


Public Relations

Officer Ben Childers is the Public Relations Officer for the Wentzville Police Department.  He works with local businesses and residents as the Liaison Officer, as well as giving tours of the police department, is in charge of the Neighborhood Watch program, and also National Night Out. 

If you would like to contact him, he can be reached by email at Ben.Childers@wentzvillemo.gov or by phone at (636) 639-2171.

School Resource Officers

Nine officers work with and patrol the Wentzville School District and private schools within our community:

  1. Cpl. Jolley,
  2. Officer Horvath,
  3. Officer Hyde,
  4. Officer Kliethermes,
  5. Officer Princivalli,
  6. Officer Richards,
  7. Officer Roberts,
  8. Officer van Breusegen,
  9. Officer Wilkerson.

They help ensure the safety of our students and teachers. 

They are supervised by Sgt. Craig Schulte who can be reached at:

Animal Control

Officers’ Mimi Mahoney and Alexis Yost handle the Department’s animal complaints.

Animal Control can be reached by calling (636) 639-7576  or emailing AnimalControl@wentzvillemo.gov.

This office number and email or only answered/checked when the Animal Control Officers are on duty, so you may also contact dispatch for a more immediate response at (636) 327-5105.

Liaison Officer – Business and Residential

The Business and Residential Liaison Officer is Officer Ben Childers.

His goal is to assist businesses and residents with any issues that they are having and also developing a relationship with them.

If you would like to contact Officer Childers, he can be reached at Ben.Childers@wentzvillemo.gov or by phone at (636) 639-2171.

Park Ranger

Officers’ Paul Burkemper and Nicholas Barbier serve as our full-time park rangers.  They patrol the parks within the City of Wentzville and handle the calls and/or complaints that may be reported.

Detective Bureau

The Detective Bureau is responsible for investigating and solving crimes that occur within the City limits of Wentzville.

Det. Lt. Cindy Aubuchon oversees the Detective Bureau and can be reached by phone at (636) 639-2129 or at Cindy.Aubuchon@wenetzvillemo.gov.

There is one Sergeant, one Corporal and three detectives under the Lieutenant’s command, they are:

Evidence Officer

The Evidence Officer is responsible for processing crimes scenes and maintaining evidence. To retrieve property placed into evidence, you must call to make an appointment.

Detective Jessica Ernst can be reached:

Traffic Unit

The Traffic Unit consists of one Sergeant, one Corporal and two officers: Sergeant Justin Houtz, Corporal Reents and Officer Boling (one vacancy). Their main duties are to handle traffic complaints within the City and investigate auto accidents.

If you have any traffic concerns in your subdivision, you may contact Sergeant Justin Houtz at (636) 639-2142

 or Justin.Houtz@wentzvillemo.gov.

Police Explorers

The Wentzville Police Department has an Explorer Unit. The Explorer’s are high-school students that volunteer and are taught about law enforcement. They work special events and help with Court Bailiff duties.

If interested in becoming an Explorer, contact Officer Jason Horvath at (636) 639-2196 ext. 3349 or by email at Jason.Horvath@wentzvillemo.gov.

Chaplain Program

The Wentzville Police Department’s Chaplain program has one current Chaplain.  Chaplain Cullen Crestman offers guidance and support to our staff.