Stormwater Management Division

CH2OOSE to keep our water clean!

When it rains, stormwater washes over the ground, picking up a variety of pollutants, such as oil, pesticides, metals, and soil. To prevent flooding and safety issues, stormwater travels through the City’s storm drain system and is discharged untreated into nearby lakes, streams, and rivers – the ultimate source of our drinking water.

Over the last decade, Wentzville has received an average of 43″ of rain annually, creating many millions of gallons of stormwater runoff each year. The volume and speed of runoff can cause flooding and erosion and destroy natural habitat. The Stormwater Management Program is the City of Wentzville’s ongoing commitment to manage flood risk and comply with state and federal laws to help improve our community’s water quality. Do your part to help keep Wentzville’s waterways healthy for people, fish, and wildlife. And remember … only rain should go down storm drains.

New Stream Care Guide – A Handbook for St. Charles County Landowners

Get insights about local streams and watersheds through creek close-ups and tips for your property. The City of Wentzville collaborated with St. Charles County and the St. Charles County Soil & Water Conservation District to update and publish this handbook for a wide range of landowners.

This 42-page guide explores the basics of protecting water quality, streamside habitat and property values, as well as bank stabilization techniques. You’ll find out how you and your neighbors can:

  • Prevent or minimize erosion problems
  • Avoid flooding impacts
  • Protect property values
  • Preserve water quality and habitat
  • Contribute to the survival of fish and wildlife

2021-2026 Stormwater Management Plan & Annual Reports

The City of Wentzville is regulated under the federal Clean Water Act and Missouri Clean Water Law for stormwater discharges. Since 2003, the City has implemented a Stormwater Management Plan for permit compliance to reduce pollutants from being carried by runoff into local water bodies from the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4).

The public is invited to review and provide feedback on the City’s 2021-2026 Wentzville Stormwater Management Plan. Your comments help shape the implementation of the City’s programs so it is appropriate for our community. 

Mission: Clean Stream – April 6, 2024

Help clean up the Peruque and Dry Branch watersheds! These streams are essential to the health of our community and support a variety of wildlife and land uses. Volunteers, ages 6 and up can register for M:CS as a family, individual or organization. The deadline for a t-shirt is March 25 and the deadline to register is April 3. 

Landscapes for Rain

Get inspired on your own property or common grounds! Check out these local projects that make use of important water resources, and even help resolve nuisances and maintenance issues, in the link below.

Stormwater Facilities

Collectively, there are more than 400 stormwater facilities in Wentzville that help manage over 13 billion gallons of rainfall received, providing flood protection and improving water quality in accordance with state and federal laws.

Click “Learn More” for:

  • Types of stormwater facilities
  • Maintenance Requirements
  • Online Inspection Portal

Get Involved – Tackle Litter

Calling all people who live, work or play in Wentzville! Are you looking for ways to collaborate in community projects to tackle litter, including the #HelpHeartland and #ProtectOurWaterways efforts spurred by Wentzville residents, park goers and business owners?

Stay tuned for watershed signage, outreach efforts and a partnership with Parks & local businesses to install a litter trap to keep trash out of Heartland Park lake. Check out other community beautification projects happening around Wentzville.

Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring

Get involved in your community while helping monitor and improve the local water quality!

Why Monitor Streams?
Clean, safe, usable water is essential to all life. Point sources and nonpoint sources of pollution—urban run-off that flows into storm drains from commercial practices as well as housekeeping practices—can negatively impact water quality downstream.

Protecting and ensuring the health of our streams and watersheds is everyone’s responsibility. It takes a collaborative network of dedicated and educated citizens all working together to understand and raise awareness about water issues, prevent water pollution, and improve water quality.

How do I become a water quality monitor?
Step 1: Sign up for an Introductory workshop. Space is limited for these training classes, so register early!
Step 2: Contact the Stormwater Division at (636) 327-5101 for help locating adoption sites and sharing data.

For more information, visit the Missouri Stream Team program

How does the City handle stormwater?

Urbanization can increase the quantity and decrease the quality of runoff. Historically, cities have focused stormwater management programs on reducing the effects of flooding. In recent years, however, the focus has shifted to also include water quality degradation. Stormwater management benefits property owners by reducing property damage and increasing the quality of receiving streams.

The City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) is separate from the sanitary sewer system. A variety of natural and engineered structures and land forms are considered part of the MS4: inlets, pipes, grass and concrete channels, culverts, ditches, and detention basins. To reduce flooding and safety issues, stormwater travels through the storm system and into nearby streams, rivers and lakes.

Drainage on Your Property

Property owners often wonder how to best manage drainage, if infrastructure is blocked, or why there’s water in the street or yard swales. The City offers a variety of resources and technical assistance for yard drainage. 

Success Story – McCoy Creek

McCoy Creek, and it’s Dry Branch tributary creek is being listed as a success story in the Missouri Department of Natural Resources FY19 Annual Report, as well as on EPA’s website. It highlights planning and partnership efforts across the City of Wentzville, including past grants and wastewater treatment plant upgrades that improve the health of our water resource:

Dry Branch Watershed: Clear Stormwater & Green Parks

Wentzville was awarded $748,015 from Region VII, US EPA, through Missouri Department of Natural Resources under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act.  The project addresses nonpoint source pollution by identifying pollutants, and prioritizing and constructing solutions for our community. The Dry Branch Watershed includes areas predominantly north of I-70 that drain to McCoy Creek.




What can we do with the detention basin or lake in our subdivision?

Stormwater facilities provide flood control.  Annual inspections and maintenance are recommended to ensure they function properly.  Native landscaping can help reduce long term maintenance costs and improve water quality.  Reducing fertilizer use and installing a fountain or aeration device in lakes can decrease algae.  

You can convert common ground into community assets by: 1) replacing turf grass with more aesthetic landscape of native plants; 2) providing trees and native landscaping along lakes to increase property value and provide fish habitat; or 3) turning detention basins into a lakes or wetlands (this requires approval by the City Engineer.)  If interested, contact us for assistance.

Secret of My Soggy Success (Homeowners' Association Symposium)      
Guide for Detention & Retention Basin Maintenance
Pond Inspection Checklist
Speaker's Bureau

What does my yard have to do with clean streams?

If lawns were classified as a crop, turf would rank the fifth largest in the country based on acreage. The shear amount of lawns, coupled with how we use them impacts creeks due to runoff. Homeowners use ten times more chemicals per acre than farmers - 67,000,000 lbs. of synthetic pesticides are used on U.S. lawns. In addition, 30-60% of urban fresh water is used for watering lawns. (Source: Borman et al. Redesigning the American Lawn, 2001)

What is prohibited by the Stormwater Pollution Control Ordinance?

Discharges (other than stormwater) such as mud, trash, auto fluids, soap, animal waste, and excessive yard waste are not allowed to get in storm drains or waterways. Connections from indoor sinks and drains are also prohibited. Get answers to common questions in this fact sheet. For details, please refer to the full ordinance.

What’s the best way to drain my pool?

Pool water has high concentrations of chlorine that can be toxic to fish and wildlife. It's also illegal to drain pollutants in storm drains or waterways. Here are easy ways you can Properly Discharging Pool Water. Drop by Public Works for free test strips!

Why don’t we channelize creeks to prevent flooding?

Creeks naturally meander to distribute energy, slow stormwater and prevent bank erosion. Channelization typically increases flow and prevents flooding in one area. However, with an increase in velocity, the stream compensates by eroding stream banks and depositing sediment in other areas to regain balance and its natural shape. Historically, channelization has caused habitat loss and water quality degradation.