Traffic Calming

The City of Wentzville has adopted a Traffic Calming Program for local low volume residential streets. This program is to assist with moderating the speed of motor vehicles in residential areas as it is essential to the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and other motorists in the residential areas. Various traffic-calming measures have been identified.

These traffic-calming measures are physical measures that reduce negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior and improve conditions for non-motorized street users. Traffic-calming measures may be exercised within residential areas of the City to moderate the speed of motor vehicles within such residential areas and to assist in protecting the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and other motorist in residential areas.

The Purpose of the Traffic Calming Program

Utilize Traffic-Calming Measures

Utilize Traffic-Calming Measures to reduce speed and volume of traffic to acceptable levels for the functional class of street and the nature of bordering activity and to reduce accidents and provide safer environments for pedestrians.

Establish Criteria

Establish criteria for the utilization of Traffic-Calming Measures.

Establish Procedures

Establish procedures for the development and implementation of appropriate Traffic-Calming Measures on a case-by-case basis within the City.

Click on the tabs below to learn more about the uses of traffic-calming measures.

<strong>Criteria for Traffic-Calming Measures</strong>


Traffic-Calming Measures under this Program will only be implemented upon local residential streets that have a two-lane pavement width of 26 feet, a maximum posted speed limit of 25 mph and a traffic volume greater than 250 AADT but less than 2500 AADT. Further, Tier 2 and Tier 3 Traffic-Calming Measures under this Program will only be implemented where a traffic analysis has been performed by the City that demonstrates the 85th Percentile speed is 30 mph or greater.

The City shall always have final authority to determine the appropriate Traffic-Calming Measures, if any, that should be implemented on any City road, and in the exercise of its discretion and authority, the City may consider among other things, the importance of not placing physical measures in locations with limited sight distance or steep grades, the impact on increasing traffic on adjacent routes, impact upon equipment and response times of emergency service providers, and the current practice of education and enforcement of speed restrictions on such streets.

<strong>Levels of Traffic-Calming Measures</strong>


Pursuant to the Traffic-Calming Program, the City will implement three tiers of Traffic-Calming Measures, and it will determine appropriate tiers to be implemented in each residential area/subdivision based upon the requests for residents of such subdivision and the professional assessment of the City as to the appropriate Traffic-Calming Measures for each such area. 

The three tiers currently include the following:

Tier 1 – Resident Concern 

The goal of the implementation of Tier 1 Traffic-Calming Measures is to increase awareness and education of drivers. 

Tier 1 Traffic-Calming Measures include, but are not limited to:

  • Enforcement of posted speed limits;
  • Placement of the City’s SMART Trailer
  • Distribution of Traffic Safety brochures
  • Public Service announcements
  • Posting of up to (4)” “Keep Kids Alive Drive 25” Signs, (18″x24″ size) per subdivision which may be purchased by the subdivision and will be installed by the City.

Tier 2 – Resident Petition (51%) and HOA Support Letter 

The goal for the implementation of Tier 2 Traffic-Calming Measures is to increase awareness of drivers through the adoption of a Double Fine Zone Ordinance, where warranted.

Tier 2 Traffic Calming Measures include, but are not limited to:

  • Adoption of a Double-Fine Zone Ordinance, the posting of double fine zone signs and increased enforcement of the posted speed limits.
    • Implementation of Tier 2 Traffic-Calming Measures requires a petition submitted by 51% of the property owners within a subdivision
    • or a letter of support for the implementation of Tier 2 Traffic-Calming Measures from the Trustees or Directors of the subdivisions Home Owners Association requesting implementation of Tier 2 Traffic-Calming Measures,
  • the City’s completion of a speed study that demonstrates that 85th Percentile speed is greater than 30 mph, the review and recommendation by the City’s Public Works and Police Departments that Tier 2 Traffic-Calming Measures are warranted.

Tier 3 – Resident Petition (67%) and HOA Support Letter 

The goal of implementation of Tier 3 Traffic-Calming Measures is to increase awareness of drivers through the construction of physical measures that cause drivers to reduce speed.

Tier 3 Traffic-Calming Measures may include:

  • Pavement Dip
    • Installed at storm inlets to avoid impact to drainage
    • Reduce vehicle speeds to approximately 15 mph
    • Emergency response vehicles delayed 5 to 10 seconds
    • Anticipated cost $4,000 to $8,000
  • Flashing Speed Awareness Sign(s)
    • Installed  in direction of travel of speeding to provide information feedback to drivers about their speed
    • Anticipated cost $4,000 to $8,000
  • Implementation of Tier 3 Traffic-Calming Measures shall only be approved in subdivisions where at least 50 lots will be served by the Traffic-Calming Measures.
  • Implementation of Tier 3 Traffic-Calming Measures requires
    • a petition submitted by 67% of the property owners within a subdivision requesting one of the designated Tier 3 Traffic-Calming Measures
    • and an HOA letter of support,
    • the City’s completion of a speed study that demonstrates that the 85th Percentile speed is greater than 30 mph,
    • the review and recommendation by the City’s Public Works and Police Departments that Tier 3 Traffic-Calming Measures are warranted,
    • the approval of the Tier 3 Traffic-Calming Measures by the Wentzville Fire Portection District and St. Charles County Ambulance District. 
  • The subdivision shall agree to pay 50% of the cost of such Tier 3 Traffic Calming Measures. 
<strong>Traffic-Calming Measures Agreement</strong>

Traffic-Calming Measures Agreement:

The City and HOA on behalf of a subdivision shall be required to enter into a written Traffic Calming Measures Agreement in substantially the form attached hereto. 

If Before or After Installation of Any Tier 2 or 3 Traffic-Calming Measures:

If before or after installation of any Tier 2 or 3 Traffic-Calming Measures the City determines in its sole discretion that such Traffic-Calming Measures are

  1. not warranted,
  2. not effective,
  3. or pose a detriment to the City or first responders,

The City may refrain from installing or may remove such Traffic-Calming Measures at its sole cost without further consent or authorization by the HOA for the affected subdivision.