Are the City’s Codes and Ordinances online?
Yes. The City Codes can be found by clicking on this link, with a link to the Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Regulations. Ordinances that have been […]
Can I build a gravel driveway?
Gravel driveways, or gravel parking pads are not permitted in Wentzville. Pre-existing gravel drives or pads may be maintained, but […]
What does “grandfathered” mean?
Grandfathered is another way to describe something that is considered existing and nonconforming. Grandfathered or existing non-conforming is a term […]
What are the guidelines for fencing?
The City Code regulates the location, height and material of a fence. Any fence or portion of a fence that […]
What is a public hearing?
Public Hearings are held on matters when required by law or as directed by the City. Public Hearings are typically […]
I would like to have an event (picnic, festival, etc.) at my church or business. Does the City allow such events and if so, what are the requirements?
The City does allow these events, with the approval of a Special Events Permit. The permits include conditions which ensure the […]
I would like to place an off-premise sign advertising my business, service or organization, along city streets or on other property. What are the City’s requirements concerning this type of signage?
This type of signage is prohibited by the City of Wentzville. Off-premise signs are defined as signs which advertise products, […]
I would like to add an accessory structure (swimming pool, detached garage, deck, etc.) to my property. What are the limitations for such structures?
The City has minimum zoning standards concerning accessory structures (size restrictions, height, location and setback requirements). For more information concerning […]
How can I find out the building setbacks for my lot?
Setbacks may obtained by contacting the City’s Planning Division at (636) 639-2032.
What are building setbacks?
Building setbacks are minimum distances by which any building or structure must be separated from a property line. These setbacks […]