David Hoekel Parkway Phase 3

Mexico Road Improvements

The City of Wentzville will hold an open-house public meeting on July 31, 2024, to discuss the Mexico Road Safety Improvements Project. This proposed project will resurface the existing Mexico Road approximately between Josephville Road to Brookview Way Drive, widen shoulders, re-align the intersection at Hancock Road and add an additional sidewalk from Lakeview Elementary School to Westwind Park Drive. To view the rough drafts click here.

The public open house is scheduled for Wednesday, July 31 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Wentzville City Hall Board Chambers, 1001 Schroeder Creek Blvd., Wentzville MO.

Current project status:

August 2024: ROW acquisition is underway.

For questions, please contact Alex Kreke (636) 639-2168 or email Alex.Kreke@wentzvillemo.gov.

Wentzville Parkway Sidewalk Extension

Project description: 

This project will extend the sidewalk from West Pearce Blvd to I-70 along Wentzville Parkway. This will be designed and constructed to connect to the ongoing project to reconfigure the eastbound I-70 on ramp from Wentzville Parkway. This connection from the north side of the bridge will complement the footpath to create the link for a safer pedestrian path across I-70.

August 2024 – Final Plans are being reviewed and approved by MoDOT. Construction bidding will tentatively be in fall 2024.

January 2025– Construction Contract is being awarded. 

For questions, please contact Matt Davidson, Senior Project Manager at (636) 639-2165 or email Matthew.Davidson@wentzvillemo.gov.

Pearce Blvd and North Linn Ave Signalization

Project Information:

This project involves the improvements of the intersection at West Pearce Boulevard and North Linn Avenue from an all-way stop intersection to a signal control intersection while improving pedestrian connectivity with sidewalk replacements, curb ramps, crosswalks, and ADA-compliant push buttons.

This project is funded by the City of Wentzville Transportation fund, St. Charles County Transportation Sales Tax Funds, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAZ) Improvement program funding. The Engineer design consultant is George L Crawford and Associates d/b/a CBB.


Current phase:

August 2024: ROW acquisition is underway.

For questions, please contact Alex R Kreke, Civil Engineer at (636) 639-2168 or email Alex.Kreke@wentzvillemo.gov

Peine Road Safety Improvements:  Public Feedback

The City of Wentzville will hold an open-house public meeting on Feb. 2, 2023, to discuss the Peine Road Safety Improvements Project. This proposed project will resurface the existing Peine Road approximately between Stewart Springs Drive and Forest Way, add shoulders, and soften and realign a 90-degree curve between Peine Woods Drive and Stewart Springs Drive. This project will look to address safety conditions in advance of the increased traffic volume anticipated with a completed Peine/Hwy P Interchange as well as ongoing development along the Peine Road corridor. Construction of this project is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2024. 


For questions, please contact Matt Wohlberg, Director of Engineering at 636-327-5101 or email matt.wohlberg@wentzvillemo.gov.

This project is funded by the Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration Surface Transportation Program, the St. Charles County Road Board and the City of Wentzville.

Route Z Projects

Northbound Route Z Right Turn Lane at Interstate Drive:
This project will construct a dedicated Northbound Route Z right turn lane to
eastbound Interstate Drive. This widening will be between the northern limits of
the bridge of Pereque Creek and Interstate Drive. There will also be a 4-foot
shoulder added to help bicyclists on Route Z access the Interstate Drive 10-foot
multi-use trail.

November 2021: Design work for Right Turn Lane has been incorporated into the
more recent Route Z and Interstate Drive Intersection Improvement project that
widens the remaining 3 legs of the intersection.

May 2023: This project is being incorporated into Route Z and Interstate Drive
Intersection Improvement Project. Final Plans have been submitted to MoDOT for
final approval to allow for bidding on the project.

August 2024 – The project is complete.

Route Z and Interstate Drive Intersection Improvement Project:
This project with construct dual left turn lanes from eastbound Interstate Drive to
Northbound Route Z, a dedicated southbound Route Z right turn lane to
westbound Interstate Drive and Northbound Route Z will also be restriped to 2
northbound lanes from Interstate Drive to the Eastbound I-70 on-ramp. The
 southern leg of the intersection will also be improved to accommodate 2
southbound Route Z lanes for the future widening of Route Z.

March 2021: City entered into a funding agreement with St. Charles County fund
the use of St. Charles County Transportation Sales Tax Funds. The city entered into an
agreement with Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission for CMAQ

June 2021: City selected a design consultant and entered in an agreement with
Oates Associates for the design of this project.

November 2021: Conceptual design plans were submitted to the City for review
and comment.

June 2022: MoDOT approved the Right of Way Plans and gave the Notice to
Proceed for ROW Acquisition.

July 2022: Right of Way Acquisition meetings with property owners have begun.
Design plans are continuing with utility relocation coordination.

May 2023: Final Plans have been submitted to MoDOT for final approval to allow bidding on the project.

August 2024 – The project is complete.

Route Z Widening and Signalization (Interstate Drive to Perry Cate
This project will widen Route Z to a 4-lane facility south of Interstate Drive to Perry
Cate Boulevard with dedicated left-turn and right-turn lanes at key side streets.
Associated with this widening is also the widening/ replacement of the bridge over
Peruque Creek to accommodate the 4-lane cross-section and the extension of a
multi-use trail. The existing 3-foot paved shoulders will be replaced with 6-foot
wide shoulders. In addition to the pavement and bridge widening, this project also
will be adding a traffic signal at the intersection of Route Z and Peruque Hills
Parkway/ Peruque Ridge Boulevard.

September 2021: The City of Wentzville entered into a project agreement with
MoDOT for Cost Share funding and local maintenance funds.

February 2022: The City of Wentzville entered into a project agreement with St.
Charles County for use of St. Charles County Road Board Funds.

May 2022: City selected a design consultant and entered into an agreement with
Oates Associated for the design of this project.

July 2022: The design Contract is being approved by MoDOT with the obligation of MoDOT
funding. Will anticipated the design to begin in August.

May 2023: Preliminary Plans are being drafted. Anticipate and Public Meeting fall
2023 for the project.

August 2024 – Working on scheduling a Public Open House meeting to display the improvement plans and take comments

For questions, please contact Tony Gambaro, Assistant Director of Engineering at (636)639-2053, or email Tony.Gambaro@wentzvillemo.gov

Wentzville Parkway South Phase 2

Phase 2:
The Wentzville Parkway South Phase 2 improvement project will build upon the Wentzville Parkway South Phase 1 project by extending Wentzville Parkway South to Interstate Drive. The proposed cross-section will include a two-lane cross-section with curb and gutter and curb inlets along the east side of the roadway and an improved shoulder on the west side that will drain to an open ditch system. The cross-section will allow for future expansion to a five-lane cross-section when traffic demands call for it. The proposed project also proposes to build a 6-foot sidewalk along the east side of the roadway that will connect to the recently constructed Interstate Drive Trail. Also proposed as part of this project is the construction of a grade-separated crossing at the Norfolk Southern Railway.

May 2019: A notice to Proceed was issued to the design consultant.

January 2020: Preliminary Plans completed.

August 2020: Right of Way Plans completed and the land acquisition process has begun.

December 2021: Final Bridge Plans have been submitted to Norfolk Southern Railroad for review. Right of Way acquisition process is ongoing.

April 2022: Continued Right of Way acquisition and Final Plans. 

March 2023: Continuing Right of Way acquisition and Final Plans.

June 2023: Right-of-way acquisition is still underway. Final Plans are being reviewed by
Norfolk South Railroad for final approval.

November 2023: Right-of-way acquisition is still underway. The Norfolk Southern Railroad Construction Agreement has been fully executed. Final Plans have been approved by NS Railroad.

August 2024 – Final Plans are being finalized. The city is working with Norfolk Southern Railroad on the final easement documents. Utility relocation coordination is taking place.

Anticipated Construction Spring 2025.

For questions, please contact Tony Gambaro, Engineering Manager at (636) 639-2053 or by email Tony.Gambaro@wentzvillemo.gov

U.S. 61 West Outer Road Extension Phases 2 and 3

4/30/2019 – Open House Public Meeting held at Wentzville City Hall from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Staff from the City of Wentzville were on hand to answer questions and showcase the City of Wentzville’s US 61 West Outer Road Phase 2, 2A, and 3 proposed project. Also on hand were staff from St. Charles County Highway and the Missouri Department of Transportation to showcase and answer questions regarding a conceptual plan to extend an outer road system on US 61 North between Route P/Peine Road and the Lincoln County/St. Charles County line. Exhibits and fact sheets from the meeting can be found below.  

November 2021: The phase 2A project has been awarded federal funds from East-West Gateway and County Road funds from St. Charles County Road Board. The project will be moving into the Right of Way acquisition phase in late 2022.

June 2023: The Phase 2A project, Wentzville Parkway Turn Lane, Meyer Road to
Parkway Ridge Boulevard has received MoDOT environmental clearances and is
awaiting approval for the Right of Way plan. Right of Way acquisition will continue
through 2023. 

August 2024 – The Phase 2A project, Wentzville Parkway Turn Lane Project (Meyer Road to Parkway Ridge), ROW acquisition is complete. Final plans are being finalized and will be submitted to MoDOT for review and approval in the next couple of months. 

January 2025 – The Phase 2A, Wentzville Parkway Turn Lane Project (Meyer Road to Parkway Ridge), MoDOT has approved the PS&E plans and construction bidding will take place within the next month. Utility relocation work has begun.

For questions, please contact Matt Wohlberg, Director of Engineering at 636-327-5101 or email matt.wohlberg@wentzvillemo.gov.

Wentzville Parkway South Extension

Supplemental Corridor Study

Description:  A consultant is providing additional analysis to supplement the Wentzville Parkway South Extension Corridor Study completed in early 2013.  A corridor alignment that is supported by the local governments and citizens is essential for the corridor preservation process.  The intent of the study is to engage the public in developing solutions and to accurately define future construction costs of the project and preserve land prior to future development.

The City of Wentzville in cooperation with the County of St. Charles have coordinated to supplement the initial Study to consider an at grade railroad crossing, improvements to the Wentzville Parkway Interchange, traffic signal optimization and traffic flow improvements from Veterans Memorial Parkway to the traffic signal in front of Home Depot.  In summary, the objectives of the Supplemental Study are to establish a feasible, cost effective and locally supported interchange with Interstate 70, determine the feasibility and cost of an at grade crossing for the Norfolk Southern Railroad, and recommend traffic flow improvements of the section of Wentzville Parkway immediately north of the Interstate 70 interchange.

For questions, please contact Tony Gambaro, Engineering Manager at (636) 639-2053 or by email Tony.Gambaro@wentzvillemo.gov

Corridor Preservation Project/ Environmental Assessment

David Hoekel Parkway

The City of Wentzville is planning a new roadway for western Wentzville and St. Charles County. The proposed roadway, referred to as the David Hoekel Parkway, would provide a new connection between I-70 and US 61. Beginning just south of I-70 at Point Prairie Road and Jackson Road, the parkway passes north and east through parts of Wentzville before ending near Mette Road and Highway P in Flint Hill.

The David Hoekel Parkway Environmental Assessment (EA) is complete and the AJR is in the final stages of approval by the Federal Highway Administration and the Missouri Department of Transportation. The EA is approved with a Finding of No Significant Impact, and the project has moved forward into project design for Phase I. Funding has been identified by the City of Wentzville in cooperation with St. Charles County Road Board to begin design of Phase II with a partial interchange at I-70 and a 2 lane road connecting to Goodfellow Road to the north and Interstate Drive to the South.