Route Z Projects
Project Status
Northbound Route Z Right Turn Lane at Interstate Drive:
This project will construct a dedicated Northbound Route Z right turn lane to
eastbound Interstate Drive. This widening will be between the northern limits of
the bridge of Pereque Creek and Interstate Drive. There will also be a 4-foot
shoulder added to help bicyclists on Route Z access the Interstate Drive 10-foot
multi-use trail.
November 2021: Design work for Right Turn Lane has been incorporated into the
more recent Route Z and Interstate Drive Intersection Improvement project that
widens the remaining 3 legs of the intersection.
May 2023: This project is being incorporated into Route Z and Interstate Drive
Intersection Improvement Project. Final Plans have been submitted to MoDOT for
final approval to allow for bidding on the project.
August 2024 – The project is complete.
Route Z and Interstate Drive Intersection Improvement Project:
This project with construct dual left turn lanes from eastbound Interstate Drive to
Northbound Route Z, a dedicated southbound Route Z right turn lane to
westbound Interstate Drive and Northbound Route Z will also be restriped to 2
northbound lanes from Interstate Drive to the Eastbound I-70 on-ramp. The
southern leg of the intersection will also be improved to accommodate 2
southbound Route Z lanes for the future widening of Route Z.
March 2021: City entered into a funding agreement with St. Charles County fund
the use of St. Charles County Transportation Sales Tax Funds. The city entered into an
agreement with Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission for CMAQ
June 2021: City selected a design consultant and entered in an agreement with
Oates Associates for the design of this project.
November 2021: Conceptual design plans were submitted to the City for review
and comment.
June 2022: MoDOT approved the Right of Way Plans and gave the Notice to
Proceed for ROW Acquisition.
July 2022: Right of Way Acquisition meetings with property owners have begun.
Design plans are continuing with utility relocation coordination.
May 2023: Final Plans have been submitted to MoDOT for final approval to allow bidding on the project.
August 2024 – The project is complete.
Route Z Widening and Signalization (Interstate Drive to Perry Cate
This project will widen Route Z to a 4-lane facility south of Interstate Drive to Perry
Cate Boulevard with dedicated left-turn and right-turn lanes at key side streets.
Associated with this widening is also the widening/ replacement of the bridge over
Peruque Creek to accommodate the 4-lane cross-section and the extension of a
multi-use trail. The existing 3-foot paved shoulders will be replaced with 6-foot
wide shoulders. In addition to the pavement and bridge widening, this project also
will be adding a traffic signal at the intersection of Route Z and Peruque Hills
Parkway/ Peruque Ridge Boulevard.
September 2021: The City of Wentzville entered into a project agreement with
MoDOT for Cost Share funding and local maintenance funds.
February 2022: The City of Wentzville entered into a project agreement with St.
Charles County for use of St. Charles County Road Board Funds.
May 2022: City selected a design consultant and entered into an agreement with
Oates Associated for the design of this project.
July 2022: The design Contract is being approved by MoDOT with the obligation of MoDOT
funding. Will anticipated the design to begin in August.
May 2023: Preliminary Plans are being drafted. Anticipate and Public Meeting fall
2023 for the project.
August 2024 – Working on scheduling a Public Open House meeting to display the improvement plans and take comments
For questions, please contact Tony Gambaro, Assistant Director of Engineering at