What should I do when selling or buying a house with unpermitted work?
July 30, 2024
Unpermitted work happens for many reasons. You may be hesitant about the requirements, the additional paperwork, the home assessments, etc. However, when it comes time to buy or sell the home, this information should be disclosed. You can always call the building division to ask if a permit was obtained and approved for the work completed.
If you are the home buyer, it is a good idea to find out if the proper permits were obtained and, most importantly, that the inspections were approved for the work completed. There will be an approval sticker or signed off permit card for the final inspection if the permit work is approved. As the home seller, don’t hesitate to apply for permits for work that was completed without the proper documentation.
The Building Division will work with the homeowner on an individual basis to get the paperwork and inspections completed so we can make sure that the work is safe and code compliant. You can start the process by filling out the permit application online here:
Miscellaneous Permit Application.
Please note on the application or the permit drawings that the work has already been completed without a permit. Feel free to call the Building Division with any questions, at