Is There a Leash Law in Wentzville?

Jan. 18, 2024

Yes. The City of Wentzville requires animals to be on a leash through the animal at large ordinance (205.545). If your animal is caught running at large, Animal Control will make every attempt to return the animal to the rightful owner.

To help identify your animal and avoid the costs and hassles of having to retrieve your animal from the pound, it is requested, but not required, to purchase an animal tag with the name of your pet and your phone number, to make it easier for us to identify the owner of the animal.

If no owner is located or if we are unable to return the animal, the animal will be taken to the animal shelter.

Summons may also be written to the owners of the animals at large, and there will also be an additional fee for impounding the animal.

Section 205.020: Definition 

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: 

At Large:  When an animal is on any street, alley, or any other public place in the City and is not attached to a leash, the other end of which is securely held by a competent person, or when such animal is on private property within the City and either not attached to a leash, the other end of which is securely held by a competent person, or not so confined by a fence as to prevent its straying from the premises.  An animal which shall remain in an adequate enclosure on the property of its owner without leash or other confinement shall not be deemed to be running at large within the meaning of this definition. 

Section 205.545:   Running At Large

It shall be unlawful for any owner or controlling party to permit any animal to run at large. 

A.   Owners or controlling parties are accountable for proper containment of animals.  Any owner or controlling party shall be in violation of this Section if any animal(s) within their ownership, control or custody is not:

      1.   Attached to a leash that is held by a competent person, even if within the boundaries of a properly signed electronic, radio wave, under ground or “invisible fence” in a front or side yard of a residence OR

      2.   In an area that has a properly installed physical fence OR

      3.   Properly tethered in accordance with Section 205.530 of this ordinance; OR

      4.   In a backyard area of a residence that is controlled by a properly identified and operating Electronic Fence, provided that the owner or controlling party has had no prior documented incidents of an animal running at large under this Section, a nuisance under Section 205.550.A.3, failure to control under Section 205.555, or a dangerous animal under Section 205.560 (a “Documented Incident”).  If an owner or controlling party currently has a prior Documented Incident on file with Wentzville or other animal control organization, or if subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance the owner or controlling party is the subject of a Documented Incident, then the owner shall no longer be permitted to utilize standing alone, an Electronic Fence in any portion of a premises regardless of whether it was the same animal that as the subject of the prior Documented Incident or whether the person then-resided, resides now, or will reside within the City.

B.   Animals found running at large will be collected by an Animal Control Officer and

      1.   If the owner is known, the animal may be returned to the owner and enforcement action taken at the discretion of the animal control officer, OR

      2.   Impoundment of the animal to the City Animal Shelter. 

C.   Animals found running at large that are dangerous, vicious or ferocious or display qualities of dangerous, vicious or ferocious shall be handled as set forth in Section 205.060.B. 

D.   Any person(s) found guilty of animal at large by the Municipal Judge of Wentzville shall be fined penalties according at the following schedule range at his/her discretion:

      1.   A first (1st) offense shall be punishable by a fine of not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars, but no more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars.

      2.    A second (2nd) offense by a person, regardless of whether or not the same animal is involved, shall be punishable by a fine not less than two hundred one dollars ($201.00) but no more than three hundred and fifty ($350.00) dollars.

      3.   A third (3rd) offense by a person, regardless of whether or not the same animal is involved shall be punishable by a fine not less than three hundred fifty $350.00) dollars up to five hundred $500.00). 

      4.   A fourth (4th) any any subsequent offenses, regardless of whether or not the same animal is involved, will be punishable by a five hundred ($500.00) dollar fine. 

E.   If an animal was impounded as a result of an owner or controlling person allowing an animal to run at large, then all fees associated with impoundment payable to the City and City Animal shelter shall be paid in addition to any fines imposed by the court.