How Do I File a Complaint Against a Police Employee?
Jan. 18, 2024
The men and women of the Wentzville Police Department strive to provide fair treatment to all citizens. The department has a reputation for being a professional and an honest law enforcement agency and maintaining a corruption-free agency is the continued goal.
Receiving your Complaint:
The office hours for the Internal Affairs Unit are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Lt. Davis Schoolcraft is in charge of the unit and may be contacted at (636) 639-2123 or by email at However, our policy is to receive your complaint whenever and wherever you want to make it. Any Wentzville Police Department Supervisor will provide you with the forms to make your complaint or you can call the phone number above and leave your name and address and we will mail them to you. Finally, you can print the Allegation of Misconduct Form and either bring or mail it in to the Department.
The only way we can improve services is by hearing from you about your concerns.
Our Policy on Investigating:
The Wentzville Police Department is charged with the responsibility to vigorously and thoroughly investigate alleged police misconduct. The Internal Affairs Unit serves as the coordinating authority for all complaints and investigates reports of:
- Intentional discrimination
- Corruption
- Harassment, ridicule, or retaliation in any form against a complainant, employee, or any witness for complaining or otherwise offering evidence in an Internal Affairs or criminal investigation involving police department employees
- Violation of a specific criminal statute
- Severe injury or death resulting from an act or omission of any employee
- Discharge of a firearm whether on or off duty except Less Lethal Weapons a provided by department directive
- A complaint in the form of an intent to file civil action that alleges or suggests improper conduct on the part of any employee
- As directed by the Chief of Police
Less severe complaints which included inadequate police service, discourtesy, improper procedure, and any other allegations of misconduct not included above are also investigated as directed by the Chief of Police. The Internal Affairs Supervisor has direct contact with the chief of Police on these matters. We receive and document every complaint made to us. If crimes are alleged and some evidence exists to support the claim, the primary investigation is assumed by the Investigations Division or another police agency such as the Missouri State Highway Patrol.
Internal Affairs is strictly an investigative unit. They determine the facts of the case. We do not determine the truth of the complaint. That determination is left to the accused employee’s supervisors and the chief of Police. Our goal is to insure a fair an expeditious investigation in accordance with local, state, and federal laws and with City of Wentzville and Police Department Policies.
Responsibilities-Ours and Yours
The Police Department’s responsibilities are to receive and record your complaint, evaluate it for assignment, conduct an impartial investigation, make an unbiased disposition, and correct the misconduct of it is found.
Your responsibility is to report the facts as clearly as possible to us and as soon as possible after the incident. False complaints with a specific intent to unjustly subject a police employee to undeserved discipline or slander, or to place his/her employment status in jeopardy, can result in criminal charges being brought against you.
How is a Complaint Classified After Completion of the Investigation?
All investigations receive one of the following dispositions:
- Unfounded-The allegation is false or not factual.
- Not Involved-The employee was not present at the time the alleged misconduct occurred.
- Not Sustained-There is insufficient evidence to prove or disprove the complaint.
- Sustained-The allegation of misconduct is true.
- Exonerated-The incident happened by the employee acted lawfully and properly.
- Policy Failure-The incident may or may not have occurred, but the investigation disclosed faulty policies, procedures, or rules
What Discipline May be Administered?
Administrative discipline used in misconduct cases may include:
- Oral counseling
- Documented oral counseling
- Written reprimand
- Reduction in rank
- Suspension without pay
- Dismissal from service
Will I be informed what level of discipline will be administered?
We understand the reason why a complainant wants to know what level of discipline was brought against an officer in a sustained complaint. Under current Missouri state law (610.100 RSMo.), the disposition of disciplinary cases are considered closed records and therefore confidential. We cannot legally release such information. In fact, doing so would subject the City of Wentzville and the Police Department to lawsuit. We can only tell you that we have verified, not verified, or insufficient information exists to verify the complaint.