Are Electric Fences Allowed in Wentzville?
Jan. 18, 2024
Yes, per City Ordinance 205.545.A.d. electronic fences are acceptable with restrictions.
Section 205.545A.d. Running At Large
In a backyard area of a residence that is controlled by a properly identified and operating Electronic Fence, provided that the owner or controlling party has had no prior documented incidents of an animal running at large under this Section, a nuisance under Section 205.550.A.3, failure to control under Section 205.555, or a dangerous animal under Section 205.560 (a “Documented Incident”). If an owner or controlling party currently has a prior Documented Incident on file with Wentzville or other animal control organization, or if subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance the owner or controlling party is the subject of a Documented Incident, then the owner shall no longer be permitted to utilize standing alone, an Electronic Fence in any portion of a premises regardless of whether it was the same animal that was the subject of the prior Documented Incident or whether the person then-resided, resides now, or will reside within the City.
Section 205.020 Definitions
Fence, Electronic: An electronic, radio wave, underground or “invisible” fencing, that, when used in conjunction with a collar properly affixed to the animal, sends a warning to the animal that is approaching the boundaries of the area within which is contained. At no time shall an Electronic Fence be utilized as a stand-alone animal control method for an area in the front or side of a residence although such fences may be utilized in a back yard under certain circumstances outlined in Section 205.545. Any time an Electronic Fence is utilized the owner or controlling party shall be responsible to ensure that: (1) a sign is displayed informing that the animal is being contained by an electronic fence with such sign being clearly visible from all approachable avenues to the property; and (2) the animal sought to be contained shall have its collar properly secured in a place and calibrated and the Electronic Fence shall be activated and in proper working condition.